Publications produced by the AstroGrid Project

This page lists publications produced by the AstroGrid project. The main output of AstroGrid is of course our software and services, but the list of publications is still substantial - 149 publications, including 122 conference and journal papers, 21 international standards documents, and 6 design study reports for the European Commission.

Last updated August 24th 2009.

IVOA Standards Documents

Roughly one third of the work of the AstroGrid project has been participation in the International Virtual Observatory Alliance, of which it was a co-founder. Formal standards documents produce by the IVOA deserve to be considered as having the same standard as refereed journal papers, as they have been through a rigorous process of international debate and review. Below we list the latest versions of all such documents that formally have AstroGrid staff as authors. In addition to the standards documents, the IVOA web site holds many other technical documents, but we have not included these. These documents can be found at the IVOA Document Repository

  1. Simple Application Messaging Protocol, V1.1 April 2009. Mark Taylor, Thomas Boch, Michael Fitzpatrick, Alasdair Allan, Luigi Paioro, John Taylor, Douglas Tody.
  2. IVOA Single-Sign-On Profile: Authentication Mechanisms, Version 1.01 January 2008. Guy Rixon, Matthew Graham, Grid and Web Services Working Group.
  3. IVOA support interfaces, Version 1.00 October 2008. Guy Rixon, Grid and Web Services Working Group
  4. IVOA Registry Interfaces, Version 1.0 May 2009. Kevin Benson, Ray Plante, Elizabeth Auden, Matthew Graham, Gretchen Greene, Martin Hill, Tony Linde, Dave Morris, Wil O'Mullane, Guy Rixon, Kona Andrews.
  5. Simple Image Access Specification Version 1.0 May 2009. Doug Tody, Ray Plante, Paul Harrison
  6. Table Access Protocol Version 1.0 June 2009. P. Dowler, G. Rixon, D. Tody
  7. Data Model for Astronomical DataSet Characterisation, Version 1.13 March 2008. Mireille Louys, Anita Richards, François Bonnarel, Alberto Micol, Igor Chilingarian, Jonathan McDowell
  8. VOSpace specification Version 2.0 May 2009. Matthew Graham, Pat Dowler, Kim Gillies, Dave Morris, Guy Rixon, Andreas Schaaff, Doug Tody
  9. IVOA Credential Delegation Protocol, Version 1.01 September 2008. Matthew Graham, Ray Plante, Guy Rixon, Giuliano Taffoni
  10. IVOA Web Service Basic Profile, Version 1.00 September 2008. Andre Schaaff, Mathew Graham, Grid and Web Services Working Group
  11. IVOA Identifiers, Version 1.12 March 2007. Raymond Plante, Tony Linde, Roy Williams, Keith Noddle
  12. Resource Metadata for the Virtual Observatory, Version 1.12 March 2007. Robert Hanisch, the IVOA Resource Registry Working Group, the NVO Metadata Working Group
  13. VOResource: an XML Encoding Schema for Resource Metadata, Version 1.03 February 2008. Raymond Plante, Kevin Benson, Matthew Graham, Gretchen Greene, Paul Harrison, Gerard Lemson, Tony Linde, Guy Rixon, Aurélien Stébé, and the IVOA Registry Working Group
  14. VODataService: a VOResource Schema Extension for Describing Collections and Services, Version 1.10 May 2009. Raymond Plante, Aurélien Stébé, Kevin Benson, Patrick Dowler, Matthew Graham, Gretchen Greene, Paul Harrison, Gerard Lemson, Tony Linde, Guy Rixon, and the IVOA Registry Working Group
  15. An IVOA Standard for Unified Content Descriptors, Version 1.10 August 2005. Sébastien Derriere, Norman Gray, Robert Mann, Andrea Preite Martinez, Jonathan McDowell, Thomas Mc Glynn, François Ochsenbein, Pedro Osuna, Guy Rixon, Roy Williams
  16. The UCD1+ controlled vocabulary, Version 1.23 April 2007. Andrea Preite Martinez, Sebastien Derriere, Nausicaa Delmotte, Norman Gray, Robert Mann, Jonathan McDowell, Thomas Mc Glynn, François Ochsenbein, Pedro Osuna, Guy Rixon, Roy Williams
  17. Maintenance of the list of UCD words, Version 1.20 May 2006. Nausicaa Delmotte, Sebastien Derriere, Norman Gray, Robert Mann, Jonathan McDowell, Thomas Mc Glynn, François Ochsenbein, Pedro Osuna, Andrea Preite Martinez, Guy Rixon, Roy Williams
  18. Vocabularies in the Virtual Observatory, Version 1.16 November 2008. Sébastien Derriere, Alasdair J G Gray, Norman Gray, Frederic V Hessman, Tony Linde, Andrea Preite Martinez, Rob Seaman and Brian Thomas
  19. Sky Event Reporting Metadata (VOEvent), Version 1.11 November 2006. Rob Seaman, Roy Williams, Alasdair Allan, Scott Barthelmy, Joshua Bloom, Matthew Graham, Frederic Hessman, Szabolcs Marka, Arnold Rots, Chris Stoughton, Tom Vestrand, Robert White, Przemyslaw Wozniak
  20. IVOA Astronomical Data Query Language, Version 2.00 October 2008. Iñaki Ortiz, Jeff Lusted, Pat Dowler, Alexander Szalay, Yuji Shirasaki, Maria A. Nieto-Santisteban, Masatoshi Ohishi, William O'Mullane, Pedro Osuna, the VOQL-TEG and the VOQL Working Group
  21. IVOA SkyNode Interface, Version 1.01 June 2005. William O'Mullane, Masatoshi Ohishi, IVOA VOQL Working group

European Commission contracted reports

Those listed here are substantive design study / technical reports for the VOTECH project (EC contract 11892), which was led by AstroGrid. We do not include standard contractual annual reports etc. There were also technical reports from other EC projects : !AVO, AIDA, and DCA.

  1. VOTECH Infrastructure Design Study Report (contract 011892), January 2007. Keith Noddle and VOTECH DS3 group.
  2. VOTECH Data Exploration Study Report (contract 011892), Feb 2007. Robert Mann and VOTECH DS6 group.
  3. VOTECH Science Framework Document (contract 011892), Oct 2007. Nic Walton and VOTECH Science Team.
  4. VOTECH Euro-VO Reference Architecture (contract 011892), June 2009. Andy Lawrence and VOTECH DS2 group.
  5. VOTECH User Tools Study Report (contract 011892), June 2007. Markus Dolensky and VOTECH DS4 group.
  6. VOTECH Resource Discovery Study Report (contract 011892), Dec 2008. Sebastian Derriere and VOTECH DS5 group.

Journal and Conference Papers

Below we list publications listed on the NASA Astrophysical Data System that include current or past AstroGrid team members, and concern AstroGrid or the VO more generally. We have not attempted to find research papers that have used AstroGrid software; the papers below are about AstroGrid itself. This list is maintained as an ADS library, but is also listed here for convenience.

The ADS library version has fuller references and in many cases links to the papers themselves.

  1. Quasar candidates selection in the Virtual Observatory era. D'Abrusco, R.; Longo, G.; Walton, N. A. 2009MNRAS.396..223D
  2. Science with the Virtual Observatory: the AstroGrid VO Desktop. Tedds, Jonathan A., 2009arXiv0906.1535
  3. Drowning in Data : VO to the rescue. Lawrence, A. 2009 arXiv0905.2020
  4. The Fact and Future of Semantic Astronomy. Gray, N. 2008, ASPC, 394, 742
  5. Column-Oriented Table Access Using STIL: Fast Analysis of Very Large Tables. Taylor, M. B.; Page, C. G. 2008, ASPC, 394, 422
  6. Taverna and Workflows in the Virtual Observatory. Walton, N. A.; Witherwick, D. K.; Oinn, T.; Benson, K. M. 2008 ASPC, 394, 309
  7. Bridging VO and Computational Grid Applications within Euro-VO. Taffoni, G.; Vuerli, C.; Pasian, F.; Rixon, G. 2008, ASPC, 394, 289.
  8. The AstroGrid Virtual Observatory Service. Walton, N. A.; Consortium, T. A. 2008, ASPC, 394, 251
  9. Transient Event Reporting and Response with VOEvent. Seaman, R.; Allan, A.; Williams, R. 2008, ASPC, 394, 213S.
  10. VOExplorer: Visualising Data Discovery in the Virtual Observatory. Tedds, J. A.; Winstanley, N.; Lawrence, A.; and 3 coauthors. 2008, ASPC, 394, 159.
  11. Accessing eSDO Solar Image Processing and Visualization through AstroGrid. Auden, E.; Dalla, S. 2008, ASPC, 394, 153.
  12. Data Preservation and the Virtual Observatory. Mann, R. G. 2008, ASPC, 394, 3.
  13. The UK Virtual Observatory - Adding Planetary Data. Allan, Peter. 2008, cosp, 37, 62
  14. Integrating VOEvents with AstroGrid through STAP services. Auden, E.; Allan, A.; Benson, K.; and 2 coauthors. 2008AN, 329, 307
  15. Integrating Cluster Data into the VO Infrastructure. Richards, P. J.; Perry, C. H.. 2007, AGUFMSH, 54C, 03
  16. The AstroGrid Virtual Observatory Service. Walton, N. A. 2007, ASPC, 376, 715
  17. Astro Runtime: An API to the Virtual Observatory. Winstanley, N.; Taylor, J. D.; Taylor, M. B.; and 3 coauthors. 2007, ASPC, 376, 571
  18. VOSpace: a Prototype for Grid 2.0. Graham, M. J.; Morris, D.; Rixon, G. 2007, ASPC, 376, 567.
  19. Binding Applications Together with PLASTIC. Taylor, J. D.; Boch, T.; Comparato, M.; and 3 coauthors. 2007, ASPC, 376, 511
  20. Solar System Data Access and Analysis with AstroGrid. Dalla, S.; Richards, A. M. S.; Gonzalez-Solares, E.; and 2 coauthors. 2007, ASPC, 376, 77
  21. AstroGrid Virtual Observatory Access to Large Scale Surveys: The IPHAS Galactic Plane Survey - a Science Driven Example. Walton, N. A.; Gonzalez-Solares, E.; Irwin, M. J.; and 3 coauthors. 2007, ASPC, 376, 30
  22. Using VO tools to investigate distant radio starbursts hosting obscured AGN in the HDF(N) region. Richards, A. M. S.; Muxlow, T. W. B.; Beswick, R.; and 16 coauthors. 2007, A&A, 472, 805
  23. Visualization, Exploration, and Data Analysis of Complex Astrophysical Data. Comparato, M.; Becciani, U.; Costa, A.; and 4 coauthors. 2007, PASP, 119, 898
  24. Special Session 6 Astronomical data management. Norris, Raymond P.; Andernach, Heinz J.; Eichhorn, Güenther; and 6 coauthors. 2007HiA....14..673N
  25. AstroGrid Virtual Observatory release 2006.3. Walton, N. A.; The AstroGrid Consortium. 2007HiA....14..636W.
  26. The 2XMM pre-release catalogue: a test case for VO cross correlation of large archives. Tedds, J. A.; Law-Green, D.; Watson, M. G.; and 3 coauthors. 2007HiA, 14, 635
  27. Special Session 3 Poster Abstracts. Walton, Nicholas A.; Lawrence, Andrew; Williams, Roy. 2007HiA, 14, 625.
  28. Mapping Galactic spiral arm structure: the IPHAS survey and Virtual Observatory access. Walton, Nicholas A.; Drew, Janet E.; Gonzalez-Solares, Eduardo A.; and 3 coauthors. 2007HiA, 14, 595
  29. Galaxy formation and evolution using multi-wavelength, multi-resolution imaging data in the Virtual Observatory. Prema, Paresh; Walton, Nicholas A.; McMahon, Richard G. 2007, HiA, 14, 592
  30. The Virtual Observatory: what it is and where it came from. Lawrence, Andrew. 2007HiA, 14, 579
  31. Special Session 3 The Virtual Observatory in action: new science, new technology, and next generation facilities. Walton, Nicholas A.; Lawrence, Andrew; Williams, Roy. 2007HiA, 14, 577
  32. Virtual Observatories and Access to Radio Interferometry Data. Richards, A. M. S.; Garrington, S. T.; Harrison, P. A.; and 12 coauthors.
  33. Astronomical Data Management. Norris, Ray; Andernach, Heinz; Eichhorn, Guenther; and 6 coauthors. 2006,
  34. A protocol standard for heterogeneous telescope networks. Allan, A.; Hessman, F.; Bischoff, K.; and 22 coauthors. 2006AN, 327, 744
  35. The 2XMM Pre-Release Catalogue: A Test Case for VO Cross Correlation of Large Archives. Tedds, J. A.; Law-Green, D. L.; Watson, M. G.; and 3 coauthors. 2006, IAUSS, 3E, 74
  36. AstroGrid Virtual Observatory Release 2006.3. Walton, N. A.; AstroGrid Consortium. 2006, IAUSS, 3E, 70
  37. The MERLINImager - a customised radio interferometry image server provided by AstroGrid. Richards, A. M. S.; Beswick, R.; Garrington, S. T.; and 7 coauthors. 2006IAUSS, 3E, 51
  38. Galaxy Formation And Evolution Using Multi-Wavelength, Multi-Resolution Imaging Data In The Virtual Observatory. Prema, P.; Walton, N. A.; McMahon, R. G. 2006, IAUSS, 3E, 24
  39. The Virtual Observatory : what it is and where it came from. Lawrence, A. 2006, IAUSS, 3E, 1
  40. The Virtual Observatories and AstroGrid: A Major 'Virtual' Service for Astronomy. Walton, N. A.; Dalla, S.; Gonzalez-Solares, E.; and 2 coauthors. 2006, IAUSS, 1E, 20
  41. Science in VOTECH. Walton, N. A.; Gonzalez-Solares, E.; Allen, M. G.; and 4 coauthors. 2006, ASPC, 351, 775
  42. Exploring the high redshift Universe using VO Tools. González-Solares, E. A.; Walton, N. 2006, ASPC, 351, 620
  43. Massive Science with VO and Grids. Nichol, R.; Smith, G.; Miller, C.; and 7 coauthors. 2006, ASPC, 351, 610
  44. Making and Caching Associations in the Virtual Observatory. Taylor, J. D.; Taylor, E.; Mann, R. G.; and 2 coauthors. 2006, ASPC, 351, 467
  45. Towards IVOA-Standard Access Control. Rixon, G.; Morris, D.; Benson, K. 2006, ASPC, 351, 463
  46. Status of the VOTech Design Study about User Tools. Dolensky, M.; Pierfederici, F.; Allen, M.; and 6 coauthors. 2006, ASPC, 351, 410
  47. Implementing a VOStore Interface for NGAS. Harrison, P.; Knudstrup, J.; Wicenec, A.; Dolensky, M. 2006, ASPC, 351, 402
  48. Painless Access to Interferometry Images Comes Closer. Richards, A. M. S.; Diamond, P. J.; Garrington, S. T.; and 9 coauthors. 2006, ASPC, 351, 267
  49. AstroGrid: A place for your science. Walton, Nicholas A.; Gonzalez-Solarez, Eduardo; Dalla, Silvia; and 2 coauthors. 2006, A&G, 47c, 22
  50. AVO First Science. Allen, Mark G.; Padovani, Paolo; Rosati, Piero; Walton, Nicholas A. 2006, msu..conf, 253
  51. The Virtual Observatories: A Major New Facility for X-ray Astronomy. Walton, N. A.; Gonzales-Solares, E.; Richards, A. M. S.; Tedds, J. A. 2006, ESASP, 604, 919
  52. Statistical Computations with Astrogrid and the Grid. Nichol, R.; Smith, G.; Miller, C.; and 6 coauthors. 2006, sppp.conf, 167
  53. The Virtual Observatories: a major new facility for astronomy: linking ELTs, great observatories and the science community. Walton, Nicholas A.; Richards, Anita M. S.; Padovani, Paolo; Allen, Mark G. 2006, IAUS, 232, 398
  54. On-demand radio imaging and access to calibrated data for all astronomers. Beswick, R.; Garrington, S. T.; Gonzalez-Solarez, E.; and 7 coauthors. 2006, evn..confE, 56
  55. A Solar Science Case with Astrogrid: Flare Productivity of Recently-Emerged Paired and Isolated Active Regions. Dalla, S.; Fletcher, L.; Walton, N. A. 2005, ESASP, 600E, 117
  56. VOStat: A Distributed Statistical Toolkit for the Virtual Observatory. Graham, M. J.; Djorgovski, S. G.; Mahabal, A. A.; and 6 coauthors. 2005, ASPC, 347, 394
  57. Access Control in AstroGrid Software. Rixon, G.; Benson, K.; Morris, D. 2005, ASPC, 347, 316
  58. Grist: Grid-based Data Mining for Astronomy. Jacob, J. C.; Katz, D. S.; Miller, C. D.; and 8 coauthors. 2005, ASPC, 347, 306
  59. The AstroGrid Common Execution Architecture (CEA). Harrison, P.; Winstanley, N.; Taylor, J. D. 2005, ASPC, 347, 291
  60. Deploying the AstroGrid: Science Use Ready. Walton, N. A.; Harrison, P. A.; Richards, A. M. S.; Hill, M. C. 2005, ASPC, 347, 273
  61. XML Data in the Virtual Observatory. Mann, R. G.; Baxter, R. M.; Carroll, R.; and 6 coauthors. 2005, ASPC, 347, 223
  62. Requirements for a Future Astronomical Data Analysis Environment. Grosbl, P.; Banse, K.; Tody, D.; and 12 coauthors. 2005, ASPC, 347, 124
  63. TOPCAT & STIL: Starlink Table/VOTable Processing Software. Taylor, M. B. 2005, ASPC, 347, 29
  64. Using Virtual Observatory Tools for Astronomical Research. Kim, Sang Chul; Taylor, John D.; Panter, Benjamin; and 3 coauthors. 2005, JKAS, 38, 85
  65. AstroGrid opens for science. Walton, Nic. 2005, A&G, 46c, 23
  66. Solar and space physics datasets within a Virtual Observatory: the AstroGrid experience. Dalla, S.; Walton, N. A. 2005, AGUSMSH, 44A, 02
  67. Hunting post-AGB/RSG objects using Virtual Observatories and other internet-based technology. Richards, A. M. S.; Diamond, P. J.; Bayo, A.; and 9 coauthors. 2005, MmSAI, 76, 467
  68. Discovery of type 2 QSOs with the AVO prototype. Allen, Mark G.; Padovani, Paolo; Rosati, Piero; Walton, Nic A. 2004, sf2a.conf, 511
  69. AstroGrid: the Uk's Virtual Observatory and its Solar Physics Capabilities. Dalla, S.; Walton, N. A. 2004, ESASP, 575, 577
  70. The AstroGrid MySpace service. Davenhall, Andrew C.; Qin, Catherine L.; Shillan, G. P.; and 2 coauthors. 2004, SPIE, 5493, 254
  71. Visualizing astronomy data using VRML. Beeson, Brett; Lancaster, Michael; Barnes, David G.; and 2 coauthors. 2004, SPIE, 5493, 242
  72. Virtual observatory standards in action. Allen, Mark G.; Derriere, Sebastian; Bonnarel, Francois; and 5 coauthors. 2004, SPIE, 5493, 153
  73. AstroGrid: powering science from multistreamed data. Walton, Nicholas A.; Lawrence, Andrew; Linde, Anthony E. 2004, SPIE, 5493, 146
  74. The International Virtual Observatory Alliance: recent technical developments and the road ahead. Quinn, Peter J.; Barnes, David G.; Csabai, István; and 11 coauthors. 2004, SPIE, 5493, 137
  75. First Science for the Virtual Observatory. Padovani, P.; Allen, M. G.; Rosati, P.; Walton, N. A. 2004, Msngr, 117, 58
  76. Discovery of optically faint obscured quasars with Virtual Observatory tools. Padovani, P.; Allen, M. G.; Rosati, P.; Walton, N. A. 2004, A&A, 424, 545
  77. VOStat: Arming Astronomers with Advanced Statistics. Mahabal, A.; Djorgovski, S. G.; Graham, M. J.; and 6 coauthors. 2004, HEAD, 8.3104
  78. AstroGrid: Initial Deployment of the UK's Virtual Observatory. Walton, N. A.; Lawrence, A.; Linde, T. 2004, ASPC, 314, 601
  79. VO Access to Complex Data - MERLIN and Other Interferometry Archives. Richards, A. M. S.; Allen, M. D.; Garrington, S. T.; and 9 coauthors. 2004, ASPC, 314, 539
  80. Data Models in the VO: How Do They Make Code Better? Gray, N.; Giaretta, D. L.; Berry, D. S.; and 3 coauthors. 2004, ASPC, 314, 535
  81. Visualizing Data Cubes on the Grid. Rixon, G.; Barnes, D.; Beeson, B.; and 2 coauthors. 2004, ASPC, 314, 509
  82. Locating Virtual Observatory Resources With the AstroGrid Registry. Auden, E.; Linde, T.; Noddle, K. T.; and 2 coauthors. 2004, ASPC, 314, 342.
  83. The AstroGrid MySpace System. Davenhall, A. C.; Qin, C. L.; Noddle, K. T.; Walton, N. A. 2004, ASPC, 314, 330
  84. UCD in the IVOA context. Derriere, S.; Gray, N.; McDowell, J. C.; and 6 coauthors. 2004, ASPC, 314, 315
  85. TWiki: A Collaboration Platform for VO Projects. Leoni, M. C.; Dolensky, M.; Bentley, R.; and 2 coauthors. 2004, ASPC, 314, 307
  86. The AVO Prototype. Quinn, P. J.; Allen, M.; Andrews, K.; and 15 coauthors. 2004, ASPC, 314, 304
  87. Astronomical Data Query Language: Simple Query Protocol for the Virtual Observatory. Yasuda, N.; Mizumoto, Y.; Ohishi, M.; and 10 coauthors. 2004, ASPC, 314, 293
  88. Resource Metadata for the Virtual Observatory. Hanisch, R.; Greene, G.; Linde, A.; and 5 coauthors. 2004, ASPC, 314, 273
  89. Federating Datasets with Spatial Joins. Page, C. G. 2004, ASPC, 314, 189
  90. Open SkyQuery -- VO Compliant Dynamic Federation of Astronomical Archives. Budavári, T.; Szalay, A. S.; Gray, J.; and 6 coauthors. 2004, ASPC, 314, 177
  91. Doing Science with VOStat. Mahabal, A.; Djorgovski, S. G.; Graham, M.; and 6 coauthors. 2004, AAS, 204, 7603
  92. VOStat: a distributed statistical toolkit for the Virtual Observatory. Graham, M. J.; Djorgovski, S. G.; Mahabal, A.; and 6 coauthors. 2004, AAS, 204, 7602.
  93. The Astronomical Data Warehouse. Page, Clive G. 2004, tivo.conf, 232
  94. Star-Forming Regions at High Resolution: Interferometry for Virtual Observatories. Richards, Anita M. S.; Garrington, Simon T. 2004, tivo.conf, 226
  95. Meeting the User Science Challenge for a Virtual Universe. Walton, Nicholas; The AstroGrid Consortium. 2004, tivo.conf, 187
  96. The AstroGrid Pilot Programme. Mann, R. G.; Davenhall, A. C.; Page, C. G.; and 8 coauthors. 2004, tivo.conf, 147
  97. Towards an AVO Interoperability Prototype. Allen, Mark; Genova, Françoise; Arviset, Christophe; and 12 coauthors. 2004, tivo.conf, 134
  98. VOTable: Tabular Data for the Virtual Observatory. Ochsenbein, François; Williams, Roy; Davenhall, Clive; and 7 coauthors. 2004, tivo.conf, 118
  99. Authentication and Authorization Architecture for AstroGrid and the Virtual Observatory. Rixon, Guy; Linde, Tony; Auden, Elizabeth; Walton, Nicholas. 2004, tivo.conf, 75
  100. Science from the Avo 1ST Light: the High Redshift Universe. Walton, Nicholas A. 2003IAUJD...8E..66
  101. The Astrophysical Virtual Observatory Avo. Dolensky, Markus; Quinn, Peter J.; Benvenuti, Piero; and 5 coauthors. 2003, IAUJD, 8E, 58
  102. Architecture of the Avo Prototype. Dolensky, Markus; Allen, Mark; Andrews, Kona; and 7 coauthors. 2003, IAUJD, 8E, 57
  103. AstroGrid and the Vos: Science and Use in the Elt ERA. Walton, Nicholas A. 2003, IAUJD, 8E, 41
  104. AstroGrid - Constructing the Uk's Virtual Observatory. Walton, Nicholas A.; Lawrence, Andrew; Linde, Anthony E. 2003, IAUJD, 8E, 40
  105. Xml in the Virtual Observatory. Mann, Robert; Baxter, Rob; Buneman, Peter; and 5 coauthors. 2003, IAUJD, 8E, 37
  106. AstroGrid, the Virtual Observatory, and what it Isn't. Lawrence, Andrew. 2003, IAUJD, 8E, 36
  107. Metadata for the VO: The Case of UCDs. Derriere, S.; Ochsenbein, F.; Boch, T.; Rixon, G. T. 2003, ASPC, 295, 69
  108. Toward an AVO Interoperability Prototype. Allen, M. G.; Genova, F.; Ochsenbein, F.; and 10 coauthors. 2003, ASPC, 295, 55
  109. A New Way of Joining Source Catalogs using a Relational Database Management System. Page, C. G. 2003, ASPC, 295, 39
  110. Scoping the UK's Virtual Observatory: AstroGrid's Key Science Drivers. Walton, N. A.; Lawrence, A.; Linde, A. E. 2003, ASPC, 295, 25
  111. Identified usage of the virtual observatory: beyond the WWW. Rixon, Guy T.; Walton, Nicholas A. 2002, SPIE, 4846, 115
  112. Interoperability of archives in the VO. Genova, Françoise; Rixon, Guy T.; Ochsenbein, François; Page, Clive G. 2002, SPIE, 4846, 20
  113. AstroGrid: powering the virtual observatory. Lawrence, Andy. 2002, SPIE, 4846, 6
  114. Astrophysical virtual observatory (AVO): a progress report. Quinn, Peter J.; Benvenuti, Piero; Diamond, Phil J.; and 3 coauthors. 2002, SPIE, 4846, 1
  115. Book Review: Data mining for scientific and engineering applications / Kluwer, 2001. Grossman, R. L.; Page, Clive; Greeley, R.; and 6 coauthors. 2002, Obs, 122, 225
  116. International Collaboration for the Virtual Observatory. Genova, F.; Benvenuti, P.; De Young, D. S.; and 7 coauthors. 2002, AAS, 200, 8703
  117. AstroGrid: Powering the virtual universe. Walton, N. A. 2002A&G, 43a, 30
  118. A Prototype Browser and Portal for Access to Data Grids. Rixon, G. T.; Irwin, J.; Lewis, J. R.; and 2 coauthors. 2002, ASPC, 281, 211
  119. VO Data Model - FITS, XML plus NDF: the Whole is More than the Sum of the Parts. Giaretta, David; Wallace, Patrick; Bly, Martin; and 4 coauthors. 2002, ASPC, 281, 20
  120. AstroGrid: the UK's Virtual Observatory Initiative. Mann, Robert G.; The AstroGrid Consortium; Lawrence, Andy; and 19 coauthors. 2002, ASPC, 281, 3
  121. AstroGrid and data mining. Page, Clive. 2001, SPIE, 4477, 53
  122. Astro-IT Challenges and Big UK Survey Programs-SuperCOSMOS, UKIRT WFCAM, and VISTA. Lawrence, A. 2001, ASPC, 225, 114


AstroGrid website is hosted at the Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh  -  last updated: 15-Aug-2012